We Interact

You are made to interact through your brain and nerve networks.

photo by Isreal Palacio

We interact through our brain and nerve connections which make up the core units of our human neural network.

First, the billions of sensory signals that are passed through your central nervous system are integrated via connector nerve cells called interneurons through neuro chemical interactions. Second, your neuro chemicals integrate your:

  • Memory and learning,
  • Emotional and behavioral responses
  • Sleep
  • Self-Monitoring


Your Neural Network and Chemical Interactions

Your neurological functions such as memory, learning new things, concentrating and even dream-making are controlled by coordinated chemical interactions. Even the parts of your nervous system that create emotions include cell assemblies or networks of your brain's limbic system, your amygdala and your frontal cortex.

Consequently, the neuro chemical interactions that occur during brain development can lead to emotional and behavioral disorders. Behavioral problems such as autism or attention deficit disorder can cause trouble with emotions, interacting with others and paying attention.

Your neuro chemical signals can be altered in emotional states which can impair daily function,  such as in bipolar disorder depression. When your signals are not integrated, your biological rhythms, for example your circadian rhythm, can be disrupted to cause sleep problems and other related serious health issues .

Let's interact! Learn more about your neuro chemicals with articles below.