We Sense

You are made to sense things

Photo by Solstice Hannan

We sense to feel what's going inside and outside of our body.

You sense to collect and process information. This process starts out when your own sensory nerves and "organs" are activated.  In other words, your ability to sense allows you to:

  • Control your body's equilibrium
  • Be aware of physical and mental pain
  • See, smell, taste and touch.

This information is taken in by your eyes, your ears, your nose, your joints, your feet and your skin. When it comes, it triggers internal responses and gives you a read on what is going on inside of you. Finally, your nerves passes these unique signals to your central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord) to get processed by your sensory system.


Your Neural Network and Your Senses

Your equilibrium is thrown off when you have inner ear or motion sensor problems, for example when your joints and tendons are injured. You can have problems with balance if your brain is damaged, for example with neuro diseases such as multiple sclerosis or stroke.

If your central nervous system and your peripheral nerves (nerves that connect your central nervous system to the rest of your body) are damaged, you may have pain, numbness, burning or electric-like shocks (also known as neuropathy).

Your problems with sensation can also lead to being:

  1. Unstable on your feet
  2. Unable to properly digest food
  3. Unable to feel steady while standing or seated (also known as vertigo).


Make sense of it! Learn more about your sensory function with the articles below: