Your nervous system is your lifetime partner.
Photo by Joel Muniz
We are women and we are at risk. Losing our function can mean a huge loss in our lives and in the lives of the ones we care for.
You are likely to suffer from at least one brain and nervous system problem in your lifetime. That’s likely an understatement, since millions of us globally, at this very moment, are struggling with worrisome symptoms that can adversely impact our physical and mental function.
These are just a few conditions that can impact your nervous system:
- X Memory problems
- X Migraine headaches
- X Dizziness
- X Stress
- X Depression
- X Caregiver fatigue
- X Pain
No exceptions!
Since neurological problems are so prevalent in the lives of women, all of us should have the knowledge and tools in reach to manage potentially disabling symptoms. In addition, you may need more than what our health systems traditionally offer. Most importantly, you will need your nervous system to work for you and not against you.
The Neural Network: In sickness and in health.
Think of it this way: a women's health is married to how her nervous system is functioning: minute-to-minute, year after year. This is because the nervous system is central to how your body functions. You can't live without your brain and nerves, so it follows that your body's optimal function starts with a healthy brain and nervous system.
Your Brain Doctor is made for women to guide them during their journey in sickness and in health and over the course of their lifespan. Use it to help you or someone you love. Follow expert advice and guidance at any age or stage of your life. Finally, seize the moment and get what you need to maintain your function and your health and be well.
Learn more about the power of you have to protect your nervous system with articles below.