Our nervous systems are wired to help us survive. In the processes of survival, sometimes our thoughts and behaviors can become imbalanced and maladaptive.
The good thing is that the nervous system can adapt. It can be retrained and rewired. This ability has to do with a nervous system function called neuro plasticity. Neuro plasticity refers to your brain’s ability to form new nerve connections, as well as reorganize existing ones. Neuro plasticity helps us learn new ways to survive and live, as well as adapt to trauma.
A therapeutic approach known as cognitive behavioral therapy is a tool that can help manage a wide variety of neurological symptoms, such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Choosing sedentary behavior
- Your pain
Cognitive behavioral therapy can be especially valuable for women who often suffer additional burdens or stress, post-trauma and caregiving which can make them more prone to suffer from short-term and or permanent neurological conditions. Cognitive behavioral therapy involves the process of a person gaining an awareness of what’s going on with their own bodies. The process of cognitive behavioral therapy targets maladaptive thinking, and symptoms that stem from environmental and internal obstacles that we inevitably face along the course of our lives, especially when we are facing chronic medical problems.
What are cognitive behavioral therapies?
Cognitive behavioral techniques are based on scientific evidence. The basis is that a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors are connected to the body’s physiology in very critical ways. There is an opportunity to make changes in how you think and feel with guidance of experts in cognitive behavioral therapy. This process can have a positive, domino-effect in overcoming and conquering for example, mood and sleep problems, as well as physical and mental abilities.
The medical evidence support that using your own thought processes and beliefs can be reworked to benefit your health.
Neurologists in particular understand that the neurobiology of the mind, or how the brain’s neural network generates thoughts and behaviors that can alter our health for the better or worse. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a key treatment option for so many conditions in this respect. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you identify misconceptions and and rethink certain beliefs about your own symptoms.
What are some of the objectives of cognitive behavioral therapy?
- To support behaviors that improve symptoms
- To provide strategies for reducing anxiety and worry
- To teach techniques to enhance relaxation
- To be make an individual aware of her own routines and lifestyle habits that will support nervous system function and overall health.
Learn more about how cognitive behavioral therapy is one of complimentary medicine techniques that health care professionals recommend to rewire and retrain their patient’s neural responses for the benefit of their health.